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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lois McClure - Locking Along

On June 18th the Lois McClure, a handmade replica of an 1862 canal boat, and it's crew of 14 started off on a voyage of more than a 1000 miles in 100 days through the Erie Canal. The first stop will be Ithaca, in the finger lakes region of New York. From there, the boat will head west through the Erie Canal all the way to Buffalo and Lake Erie. It will then stop in Oswego before making it's way back to Lake Champlain in September.

The schedule for the Lois McClure's voyage is online along with some entries in a virtual ships log.

Ever since I first say the Erie Canal I've wanted to travel on it. Real and virtual journey's like these are great ways to engage visitors and those interested in maritime history. Most people will not be able to go and visit the Lois McClure, but being able to check in on her cruise, even get to know some of the crew, is pretty neat.

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