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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Deja Vu

This morning's Op Ed piece in the Boston Globe reminds me of so many pieces from the Mystic Seaport archives and from conversations among collegues. Henry A. Lachance, marine artist, freelance writer, and a founding member of the Boston Maritime History Committee and the Medford Maritime Heritage Society, writes lamenting the fact that Boston, with its all its rich maritime heritiage, does not have a maritime museum.

A Maritime Museum for Boston

The really funny thing (and here I mean, funny strange, as opposed to funny ha-ha) is that there are many maritime heritage sites within 100 miles of Boston. Why is there the need for 1 (One) central site? In fact, the more I keep this blog, and the more maritime heritiage news I run across, the more I realize, there are an awful lot of maritime heritage sites. Why are we all spending so much time bemoaning the fact that maritime history is being ignored/forgotten? Something just isn't fitting here.

1 comment:

The People's Advocate said...

Boston has lagged far behind NYC
and Mystic Seaport in retaining their respective histories.

A subsequent article (10/28/06) in the Boston Globe "Sailing Ahead on the Waterfront" seems to indicate confusion between the 'heritage' of
boat-building, with rehabilitating apartments with waterfront views.
Somewhere between Mr. LaChance's
letter and the subsequent land-grab by developers there was a disconnect, or Mr. LaChance was told to go back to history class,
and not to meddle with making money, although he is correct in
seeing that a vibrant historical boat building venue would attract many and add value to Boston as a travel destination.

My own idea to add to this is to have a school of boat building (with appropriate costume and stage) integrated into the site, so as to allow visitors a 'live' view of life in the nineteenth century.bknbkr