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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Speaking of Insider Theft

This from the

NEWPORT NEWS -- The former chief archivist for The Mariners' Museum library is facing a civil suit filed by the museum, alleging that he stole - and then sold - archived items.

Lester Weber was fired Sept. 25 for "policy violations which include, in part, the theft of archival items from the museum's collections for subsequent sale on the Internet and eBay," according to a statement from Alan Diamonstein, chairman of The Mariners' Museum Board of Trustees.

Officer Harold Eley, a Newport News Police Department spokesman, confirmed that police were looking into allegations against Weber but declined to elaborate, citing the continuing investigation.

Weber and his wife, Lori Childs, are named as defendants in a civil suit filed April 16 in Newport News Circuit Court.

Diamonstein, reached late Wednesday, said the museum was seeking the return of stolen merchandise and money for merchandise sold.

"They were archival items that people had given ...," Diamonstein said. "They weren't on display yet."

Lester Weber couldn't be reached for comment. His wife, who answered a phone call late Wednesday, said she couldn't talk about the case and hung up.

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