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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Literary Lotus

On Literary Lotus, Christine Thomas writes about a wide range of topics, including the maritime world. She recently posted the last entry in a book of the sea roundup, her review of Vaka Moana, Voyages of the Ancestors: The Discovery and Settlement of the Pacific, edited by K. R. Howe. Also, don't miss the links on the blog, which include her reviews of maritime books published elsewhere.

And do check out the older posts; Christine is generous in sharing her reviews, interviews, and information about the books mentioned by her and others. If you're looking for something to read, for yourself or someone else, she even posts gift guides. She'll guide you to books about the sea that feature topics other than explorations or voyages: legends, traditional navigation, surfing, poetry, and much more.


WeSailFurther said...

good find, thanks for the link...

Heather said...

And thanks for your comment, jarrett--our readers should check out the books you talk about on
