Mystic Seaport is seeking proposals for papers in History, Folklore, Literature, Ethnomusicology, or other appropriate disciplines that address any aspect of music or verse of the sea or inland waters from the Age of Sail through the present day.
Topics of interest have included: Shipboard work songs, songs of maritime or other occupational trades, seafaring cultures and cultural change, ethnicity and ethnic influences, cultural exchanges, ballad and broadside traditions, technology, regional interests, and popular culture.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE is March 10, 2007. Audiovisually illustrated presentations are welcome. Papers selected must be submitted in final form by May 7th.
Graduate students encouraged to submit a proposal.
Speakers will receive lodging and meals and free admission to the festival weekend.
PLEASE SUBMIT PROPOSALS and a brief curriculum vita or resume to:
Dr. Glenn Gordinier
attn: Symposium Williams-Mystic Program Mystic Seaport
75 Greenmanville Ave.
Mystic, CT 06355-0990